Our Response to the Coronavirus and How You Can Help
The Camp Unity Eastside Board is closely following the coronavirus situation and guidance from local, state and federal agencies. During the past month, we have taken a number of steps to protect the health and well-being of Camp Unity residents, volunteers, hosts and other partners and avoid the spread of COVID-19. We are very grateful for the compassion and care of everyone who has continued to support Camp Unity during this time.
Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order takes another strong step in the effort to slow the spread of coronavirus in our state. His order includes a list of essential workers. We are glad that the list includes those who support or provide food, shelter and other life necessities for needy individuals, including individuals experiencing homelessness.
We believe that the Governor’s direction continues to allow for volunteers to drop off meals and needed supplies at Camp Unity Eastside (CUE). Since mid-March we have had a small tent in the parking lot at Saint Teresa of Calcutta Church, 17856 NE Woodinville Duvall Rd. for this purpose (shown in the photo below). CUE residents pick up the items after volunteers leave.
Since March 2, we have been
- Participating in weekly teleconference calls with King County staff intended to help everyone who is working with or in contact with people experiencing homelessness
- Keeping Camp Unity residents up to date regarding necessary precautions to take, including sanitizing surfaces, hand washing and social distancing
- Working to provide Camp Unity with needed cleaning and other essential supplies to the extent possible given supply limitations. Thank you to the many volunteers who have donated supplies!
- Visiting Camp Unity at least every other day to go over the COVID-19 protocols, check on the health of the residents, check on the meal calendar status and food supply, and notify residents of updates from the weekly King County calls
- Communicating regularly with food providers and other volunteers regarding COVID-19 protocols and needs

Since mid-March, we have asked volunteers to not visit the actual camp for the health and well-being of all, and to just drop off meals and supplies. At this point, we are not aware of any of the 23 residents at Camp Unity having COVID-19, for which we are very thankful.
Out of an abundance of caution for the health, safety and well-being of current residents as well as volunteers and hosts, Camp Unity Eastside is not admitting new residents at this time. This was a difficult decision for the CUE Board though the Board believes that this is the appropriate decision for now. Many CUE residents are in high risk categories for severe illness from COVID-19. The Board is closely monitoring the situation, looks forward to re-opening Camp Unity to new residents and is gearing up for the anticipated increase in demand.
Your Help Is Needed
In the midst of this situation, your support means that Camp Unity Eastside can continue to provide safe and stable shelter for people experiencing homelessness. Here are some ways that you can help:
- Meals: It is essential that our residents remain nourished and healthy. You can sign up here to provide a meal. We especially need meals in May.
- Supplies: The complete needs list is here and is regularly updated.
- Drop offs for food and supplies: We have made arrangements for volunteers to drop off meals and supplies in the small tent in the parking area. Please package any food in disposable containers.
- Financial support: Now more than ever, we need to keep Camp Unity Eastside open in order to provide shelter and support for people who are homeless. It costs about $175 per camp resident, per month to provide safe shelter. That is just $5.70 per resident per day. You can access this secure link to donate. Your financial gift today makes a difference in the lives of people who are struggling.
We are grateful for your continued help and commitment and hope that you and your families are healthy.