Camp Unity residents are settled in at Northlake Lutheran Church, Kenmore after the move early this month. A huge thank you to everyone who helped during the move with meals, supplies, muscle, and much more, and to Kirkland Congregational and Northlake Lutheran churches for your generosity and care as hosts during the first half of this year.
Camp Unity will be hosted by Northlake Lutheran Church until the end of June. There are 13 residents currently and we are thrilled that so far this year, two residents have moved to housing.

It’s almost April and Camp Unity Eastside is getting ready for GiveBIG 2021. This is Camp Unity’s biggest outreach event to raise funds so that we can continue to provide safe, supportive shelter for men and women experiencing homelessness. GiveBIG starts on April 20 and culminates on May 5. This is an annual, online several-day drive to raise money for non-profits serving our region.
We are seeking help from people like you who care about Camp Unity’s mission AND would like to spread the word to friends, colleagues or family via a FUNdraiser campaign. Join us for a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, April 7th from 7 to 7:30 pm to learn more about FUNdraisers and tips to set up your own Camp Unity fundraiser.
Last year, six people created FUNdraisers for Camp Unity during GiveBIG. More than 80% of the dollars raised were made to these fundraisers. Individual fundraisers make a big difference because they help in reaching more people through personal connections. They’re fun and don’t involve a lot of time because the basic tools are available through GiveBIG.
Please contact Lori Peckol at with any questions, to let us know you plan to join for the meeting on April 7, or if you’d like to help though need to connect at a different time. Check out this link for a short video from last year about GiveBIG FUNdraisers to learn more about how these can help.
Camp Unity is a fully volunteer organization and 100% of gifts and other funding are used to support Camp Unity operations. This includes needs such as portable toilets and waste management, camp equipment and supplies, three to four moves per year, and the camp van used to provide transportation for residents for medical needs, appointments, work and other destinations. It costs about $1,000 per week to provide shelter and support for all the residents at Camp Unity.
Hosts – Summer/Early Fall and 2022: The CUE Board is seeking a host for Camp Unity starting on June 24 for the summer and early fall. Hosts are also needed for some gaps in 2022. The site needs to be relatively flat, at least 1/3 acre in size, with access to an electrical outlet sufficient for appliances. Access to water and a sewer connection for gray water discharge from the shower trailer are also needed. Hosting camp is an opportunity to provide a life-changing service to camp residents and engage your congregation. If you would like additional information or have ideas regarding potential hosts, please contact Michael Rader at Check out for perspectives from current Camp Unity hosts and other information.
Special Talents Needed: Do you have plumbing or electrical skills? Camp Unity is seeking a volunteer to assist one of the residents at Camp Unity with the various plumbing and electrical needs associated with the shower trailer and other camp operations. For each move, the plumbing and electrical connections need to be broken down and set up again. It takes time and ingenuity to set it up again. If this is something you may be able to help with, please contact Mark Van Wormer at for more information.

Did you know that if you shop at and select Camp Unity Eastside as your charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the value of eligible purchases to Camp Unity? There are no fees or extra costs. It takes just a few minutes to set this up – sign in at, enter Camp Unity Eastside in the search box, and confirm. This is a great way to financially support Camp Unity operations at no additional cost.

Meals and Supplies: We are amazed and so grateful that generous volunteers have committed to bring a dinner each night in March and April. This is such a big help for the residents. The camp is currently in good shape for basic supplies also – thank you! If you can bring a dinner to Camp Unity in May or June, please sign up via CUE’s meal calendar
Camp Unity Board Updates: Board member John Eagle has recently filled the Board Secretary vacancy – thank you very much John! More information about the CUE Board is available at
Thank you for your continued generosity and care for the men and women at Camp Unity Eastside.
With gratitude,
Lori Peckol, Friends of Camp Unity Eastside