Greetings friends,
I hope your summer is going well. Camp Unity Eastside is now hosted by Northshore United Church of Christ, Woodinville and will be located there until mid-October. We are grateful to Northshore UCC and to everyone who has helped the residents with meals, supplies, or other support during the past months and for the move in late June. There are currently 16 residents.

Hosts Needed: The CUE Board is seeking hosts for Camp Unity starting in mid-summer 2022. The site needs to be relatively flat, at least 1/3 acre in size, with access to an electrical outlet sufficient for appliances. Access to water and a sewer connection for gray water discharge from the shower trailer are also needed. Hosting camp is an opportunity to provide a life-changing service to camp residents and enables congregation members to use a variety of gifts and talents as hosts.
There is a special partnership opportunity thanks to the generosity of a local church that made a financial gift to Camp Unity with the goal to help support a new host stepping forward. For example, this funding could be used for the water and electrical costs associated with hosting Camp Unity. Or maybe there is some site preparation that is needed.
If you would like additional information or have ideas regarding potential hosts, please contact Michael Rader at Wondering what hosting Camp Unity is like? Check out for perspectives from current Camp Unity hosts and for other information.
Thank You Audrey Tsai: From the start of her internship in September through to her graduation from Interlake High School in June, Audrey made a big impact for Camp Unity. Her work involved several areas, including social media, fundraising, outreach to current and potential partners, local government codes and permit processes, and communication with prospective clients and others. We are excited about Audrey’s future and the positive difference that she will continue to make in people’s lives as she heads to Washington University. Thank you Audrey for all that you accomplished in support of the people who seek shelter at Camp Unity!
Meals: Thank you to the many generous volunteers who have brought one or more dinners during the past months. This is a big help for residents and they really appreciate it. There are openings on Camp Unity’s meal calendar during the rest of the summer. If you can help, please sign up at Don’t have time to cook? Drop off some frozen hamburger patties and fixings or other food that is easy for residents to cook on the grill.
Supply Needs: The camp’s primary supply needs now are dinner-size disposable plates, ziploc bags (1-gallon size), and garbage bags (44-gallon size). Check out Camp Unity’s supply list for more details Thank you!
Financial gift: If you would prefer to help with Camp Unity’s needs from home, please use this secure link to make a financial gift. Your gift helps ensure that Camp Unity can continue to provide a place for people experiencing homelessness to find shelter and community until they can regain housing. We are grateful to everyone who has supported Camp Unity in this way.
Thank you for your care and generosity for the residents at Camp Unity Eastside.
Lori Peckol
Friends of Camp Unity Eastside