What if your commitment to give could also be the catalyst for another person’s generosity? You might be the tipping point that encourages them to support Camp Unity Eastside!
Our annual GiveBig campaign is coming on May 8th and we are looking for 2-3 individuals, businesses, or organizations who are willing to offer matching funds to boost our 2019 efforts.
How Matching Funds Work
You commit to match donations on GiveBig Day up to a specific amount.
“I will match up to $1,000 in donations that come in on May 8th.”
Camp Unity Eastside is then able to use those matching funds to drive urgency and generosity on the day of the event. You can remain anonymous or be recognized during the campaign.
“Thanks to the generosity of our community, a $250 donation will be doubled to $500 to support the needs of our residents!”
On May 9th, we report back to you with how much of your matching funds were leveraged and you make your donation to Camp Unity Eastside. Again, the amount is capped based on your original commitment.
If you are interested in being one of our matching funds donors, please email Lori Peckol at peckolvanwormer@gmail.com.
About GiveBig 2019
This will the the third year that Camp Unity Eastside will be participating in the GiveBig Campaign. GiveBig is a community event that started in 2011 that has helped hundreds of non-profits to raise over $113 million. The event provides media exposure through the Seattle Times and the GiveBig website that a small organization like Camp Unity normally doesn’t have access to.
Since the work to locate our next partner hosting site and to maintain a safe camp for our residents is the primary focus of our time, we try to limit our fundraising to just a couple of big campaigns per year.